In Project Result 1 (ATHENEA), the project consortium developed a training system of 20 podcasts for Secondary school teachers in the application of Emotional Intelligence, Nonviolent Communication and Alternative Masculinities to deconstruct stereotypes and roles based on traditional concepts of masculinity and femininity.
ATHENEA generates the following benefits for the target group:
1. A global approach to teaching and learning through the transversal incorporation in its educational action of new resources to fight against gender stereotypes and their
2. Competences and resources that combine Emotional Intelligence, Nonviolent Communication and Alternative Masculinities, to face social diversity and gender inclusion in their training or educational fields of action.
ATHENEA offers a new approach to the inclusion of the gender perspective in the educational work of secondary school teachers. It allows them to redirect the way in which relationships between students are created on the basis of sex or gender.
The project's podcasts are divided into categories and in each one you can find a PDF icon where you can enter the podcast's summary and further resources. You can browse the podcasts per category, in all partner's languages, below:
01. Intro

Introduction for Podcasts
02. Emotional Intelligence



Empathy and Connection to others (Social awareness)


Relationships and Building Networks (Social skills)

Building Rapport (Social skills)
03. Non-Violent Communication


Promise and Deliver

The Art of Asking

How to say No

The Culture of Gratitude

From Criticism to Proposal
04. New Masculinities

Construction of Masculine Identity

Micro-Male Sexism in the Classroom

Constructing a New Masculinity

Gender Violence in Adolescence

Men and Emotions

Environment and Masculinity. Social Influence
05. Conclusion